Doula Care & Services

Doula care is an extraordinary support service offered to women and their partners during one of the most profound experiences of their lives: birthing their babies. Doulas are trained to provide physical, emotional and informational support during pregnancy, labor, birth and postpartum.

Numerous studies have shown that the presence of a doula at a birth results in:

* 50% reduction in caesarean rates*
* 40% reduction in forcep deliveries*
* 25% shorter labours*
* 60% reduction in epidural requests*
* 40% reduction in oxytocin (Pitocin) use*
* better mother-infant bonding*
* 30% reduction in analgesia use*
* reduced post-partum depression*

*(Mothering the Mother: How a Doula Can Help You Have a Shorter, Easier, and Healthier Birth), Klaus, Kennell, and Klaus

Doula Services Include:

Complimentary initial interview

Completely pressure free, we meet to see if our services are right for you. You may take all the time you need to decide. We wait for you to contact us. This visit can take place at anytime during your pregnancy.

Two more prenatal consultation visits

The first visit will be to discuss in length your wishes, thoughts, feelings, and expectations regarding labour and delivery, and our general role. We will prepare an extensive birth plan. A birth plan includes individual philosophies you have regarding pain relief, and choices with regards to relaxation, breathing and visualization techniques, and positions for labour. At this time, the contract will be signed.

The second visit will be a hands-on preparation for labour and delivery approximately 3 weeks prior to your due date, and will take place in the comfort of your home. This will be a review of what will happen during your birth experience, and our role within it. We show you our tools we use for natural comfort measures. We will actually practice various positions for labour, rehearse relaxation techniques and breathing, which help reduce pain and allow you to work through the contractions. Birth partners are shown how they can be as involved as they wish, so that the birth experience is positive for both of you.

Continuous support throughout labour and delivery

Our role as a doula is to help you cope with all the fears and anxieties you and your partner may have at this exciting and highly emotional time. A doula is not only sympathetic, but is informed as well. We can help you remain calm, relaxed and comfortable until labour is well established. This is a quiet and calm presence and reassurance. You will find that generally, the birth partner is not only there for emotional support, but becomes more involved with your labour due to the pressure of the unknown being removed as the doula reassures and comforts both of you. The emotional bond and sense of connection between mother and partner is important, and the doula knows when to stay in the background when the couple is doing well, and when to jump in and offer guidance, such as position changes, relaxation techniques and breathing variations, as labour progresses. Comfort measures may also include physical comfort and relief, an extra practical hand, and access to professional information at all times, as clinical care providers and hospital staff are often kept busy with other patients and important tasks.

After your baby is born, we can support you in integrating your birth experience with your new life as a parent, offering you information and nurturing while you are getting to know your baby, breastfeeding and recovering from childbirth.

Post-natal visit done in the comfort of your home

After the birth, it is important that you have bonding time with your baby. We will absolutely respect this. We will be on call for you, and then meet again in your home in the next few weeks to briefly review your birthing experience and our role as your doula. At this time, we can assist you further with breast-feeding, and with any other questions you may have.

24 hour on-call support throughout your prenatal and postpartum experience

Be reassured that you can ask us anything, at anytime of day. This is one of the most wonderful advantages of having a doula.

We also have excellent back-up doulas available, all of whom are DONA/CAPPA trained.